detail of engraving by Lowry

DH programming this spring includes events and workshops on Wikipedia editing, social media, network analysis, web scraping, text analysis, and more. Reserve your place at a workshop at Workshops will be taught by Alex Leslie and Caterina Agostini—Digital Humanities Graduate Specialists—and Francesca Giannetti, Digital Humanities Librarian. Additional workshop topics will be added later in the spring. More to come! Note by FG on 2020-02-26: Added information on workshops taking place in March and April. Note by FG on 2020-03-23: COVID-19 related updates. Added Hugo workshop text. Events Frederick Douglass Day Transcribe-a-Thon Friday, February 14, 2020, 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Alexander Library, JetStream (RoomRead More →

detail of engraving by Lowry

This fall’s programming includes events and workshops on maps, organizing sources, transforming sources into data, and transforming data into visualizations. Reserve your place at a workshop at Workshops will be taught by Alex Leslie, Digital Humanities Graduate Specialist, and Francesca Giannetti, Digital Humanities Librarian. Note by FG on 2019-09-19: Edited to include additional workshops. Added Suffragist Transcribathon. Note by FG on 2019-10-23: Added digital editions workshop and more details on suffrage transcribathon. Events Suffragist Transcribathon Digital Humanities Lab, Alexander LibraryTuesday, November 12, 3:00-6:00pm Join us to celebrate the centennial of the 19th Amendment and Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s 204th birthday by helping the Library ofRead More →

Welcome to our Spring 2019 programming! Please find below a description of the workshops we have scheduled. Reserve your place at a workshop here. Browse the rest of our advanced research workshops, including offerings in machine learning with Python, version control with Git and GitHub, and qualitative data analysis in NVivo at Citation Management with Zotero  January 29 – 10:00-11:00 am, Digital Humanities Lab, Alexander Library (Instructor, Francesca Giannetti)  February 5 – 1:00-2:00 pm, Digital Humanities Lab, Alexander Library (Instructor, Francesca Giannetti)  Zotero is a free application that collects, manages, and formats citations and bibliographies. In this introductory, hands-on workshop, we’ll learn how to organize sources, attach PDFs andRead More →

You will find below a description of the workshops and events we have planned for Fall 2018. Reserve your place at a workshop here. Workshops will be taught by Alex Leslie, Digital Humanities Graduate Specialist, with the exception of  Zotero and Omeka, which will be taught by Francesca Giannetti, Digital Humanities Librarian. Note: Updated 9/24/18 to reflect additional workshop offerings. Fall MixerDigital Humanities Lab, Alexander LibrarySeptember 19, 12:30-2:30 pm Using digital research methods, or curious about digital humanities or digital scholarship? Join us for the Fall 2018 Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Mixer in the Digital Humanities Lab (Alexander Library, Room 406-407). We especially encourage graduate students andRead More →

Digital Humanities and Data Analysis Workshops The following workshops on research methods and software will be offered by the New Brunswick Libraries Graduate Specialists in Spring 2018.  All workshops will be held on the 4th floor of Alexander Library on College Avenue.  Room assignments and workshop instructors noted below. More detailed descriptions of the workshops will be posted as they are made available at Workshops held in rooms 413 and 415 are capped at 20 registrants. Workshops held in the Digital Humanities lab are capped at 12 registrants. Workshops are grouped by instructor in the categories of Quantitative Methods, Digital Humanities, and Data Analytics. Please sign up for the workshops you plan to attend at theRead More →