Call for Proposals
The Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative invites proposals for seed grants of up to $2,000 to support digital humanities projects in research, teaching, and public outreach, in any discipline or area of the university. This funding cycle will be for projects conducted during the subsequent 12 months (April 1, 2016 – March 30, 2017).
Rutgers DHI seed grants are designed to foster collaborative projects of all kinds, including:
- Textual analysis: digital editions; websites that invite linguistic, social, and historical analysis of texts; text aggregation sites; the development of tools for digital analysis.
- Geospatial approaches to literary texts and historical problems.
- Network Analysis of literary texts and historical problems.
- Data-mining of large corpora for insights into genres, discourses, and the sociology of knowledge.
- Digital projects whose aim is primarily pedagogical, often undertaken with civic or public humanities goals in mind.
Applicants may be tenured or tenure-track faculty, non-tenure track faculty, staff, and/or graduate students. The committee will prioritize applications for new projects, for projects that demonstrate collaboration across units, and for projects that make use of the existing infrastructure and resources that are available through the Digital Humanities Lab.
Download the full text of the CFP.
Featured Image: Old English and French ornaments; comprising 244 Designs … by Chippendale, I. Jones, Johnson, Lock, and Pether … Collected and republished by J. W. The British Library on Flickr. JPEG file.