The Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative recently awarded DH seed grants in support of four scholarly digital projects. Marlene H. Gaynair (PhD student, History), Hudson McFann (PhD student, Geography), Kristin O’Brassill-Kulfan (Coordinator of the Internship Program and Instructor of Public History, History), and Mary Rizzo (Associate Director of Digital and Public Humanities Initiatives, American Studies, and Assistant Professor of Professional Practice, History) are the principle investigators who will develop these projects and present on their work in 2017-2018. Islands in the North: Black Caribbean Migrants Creating Space and Place in Toronto, 1950s to 1990s This digital project (re)creates the space and place of Black Caribbean/West IndianRead More →

Digital Humanities Showcase: Call for Proposals Submit by February 1, 2017 Showcase on March 23, 2017 The interdisciplinary field of digital humanities (DH) aims to bring together humanistic inquiry and digital technologies, organizing new modes of archival research, developing computer-aided methodologies for answering humanistic questions, curating digitized archives of all kinds, bringing digital platforms into the classroom in creative ways, and engaging critically with the culture of new media. In order to encourage collaboration and community at Rutgers, and regionally in the state New Jersey, the Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative invites contributions to a Digital Humanities Showcase, to be held at Alexander Library on Thursday,Read More →

Digital Humanities Seed Grants: Call for Proposals Deadline: March 1, 2017 Award: up to $2,000 Funding/Project Period: 2017-2018 The Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative (DHI) invites proposals for seed grants to support digital humanities projects in research, teaching, and public outreach, in any discipline or area of the university. This funding cycle will be for projects conducted during the subsequent 12 months (i.e. April 1, 2017 – March 30, 2018). Rutgers DHI seed grants are designed to foster collaborative projects of all kinds, including: Textual analysis: digital editions; websites that invite linguistic, social, and historical analysis of texts; text aggregation sites; the development of tools forRead More →