Digital Lab Series
Digital labs take place in Alexander Library, IHL 415 (fourth floor), 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, with the exception of Exploring the HathiTrust Digital Library, which will be briefer: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. An RSVP is appreciated.
Exploring the HathiTrust Digital Library
with Melissa Gasparotto
January 20, 2016
We’ll examine the basic and advanced search functionality (catalog and full-text), view and download the full text of public domain items, create public and private collections, and search within those collections.
Introduction to Text Analysis with the HathiTrust Research Center
with Francesca Giannetti
January 26, 2016
We’ll learn how to build a workset of texts from the HathiTrust Digital Library, run analyses on them using the algorithms of the main portal, and generate visualizations based on these analyses.
Introduction to Digital Maps
with Francesca Giannetti
February 17, 2016
We’ll learn the basics of creating interactive, online maps using CartoDB. This workshop covers the creation of point data, finding and reusing shapefiles, and applying a few PostGIS functions to manipulate spatial data.
- Slides, tutorial and data (zip file)
Introduction to Web Development with HTML and CSS
with Francesca Giannetti
April 6, 2016
We’ll look at the basic building blocks of the web, HTML and CSS, and then customize a Bootstrap template to begin creating a scholarly web portfolio. Bring a cv and academic bio.
- Slides
- Files (zip file)
Introduction to Network Analysis for Humanists
with Francesca Giannetti
May 4, 2016
We’ll use Gephi to explore the relationships between actors in a network and make a network graph to show our findings. No prior experience with network analysis is required.
- Slides
- Files (zip file)
Featured Image: Ercker, Lazarus. The laws of art and nature… Engraving. Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images. JPEG file.