The interactive topic model for the fortieth anniversary edition of Signs, Signs@40: Feminist Scholarship through Four Decades, is now publicly available in RUcore, the Rutgers University Community Repository. Users may download the entire project (topic model data and browser software) or selectively download either the data or the software. Thanks to the project creators, Andrew Goldstone, Susana Galán, C. Laura Lovin, Andrew Mazzaschi, and Lindsey Whitmore, and to Ron Jantz and Kayo Denda of the Rutgers University Libraries, this project is now archived for posterity and downloadable by anyone interested in exploring, reusing or adapting this rich artifact of feminist scholarship. Goldstone, Andrew, Susana Galán, C. Laura Lovin, Andrew Mazzaschi,Read More →

Join us for DH events and workshops at Rutgers University Newark. Workshops Using HistoryPin for Spatial Humanities and Social Sciences Connecting area, space and place with theoretical concepts is the lynchpin of the emerging paradigm of spatial literacy. HistoryPin is a simple, interactive social media tool instructors can use to help create compelling course assignments with a spatial literacy component. This one hour workshop will give instructors a brief introduction to spatial literacy concepts and get them started using creating and using HistoryPin accounts. Options for administrating HistoryPin for course work and group projects will be discussed. Instructor: Krista White (Digital Humanities Librarian). Thursday, FebruaryRead More →