Digital Lab Series Digital labs take place in Alexander Library, IHL 415 (fourth floor), 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 11:00 am – 12:30 pm, with the exception of Exploring the HathiTrust Digital Library, which will be briefer: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. An RSVP is appreciated. Exploring the HathiTrust Digital Library with Melissa Gasparotto January 20, 2016 We’ll examine the basic and advanced search functionality (catalog and full-text), view and download the full text of public domain items, create public and private collections, and search within those collections. Handout Introduction to Text Analysis with the HathiTrust Research Center with Francesca Giannetti January 26, 2016 We’ll learn how to build a workset of textsRead More →

Call for Proposals The Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative invites proposals for seed grants of up to $2,000 to support digital humanities projects in research, teaching, and public outreach, in any discipline or area of the university.  This funding cycle will be for projects conducted during the subsequent 12 months (April 1, 2016 – March 30, 2017). Rutgers DHI seed grants are designed to foster collaborative projects of all kinds, including: Textual analysis: digital editions; websites that invite linguistic, social, and historical analysis of texts; text aggregation sites; the development of tools for digital analysis. Geospatial approaches to literary texts and historical problems. Network Analysis ofRead More →

Join three Rutgers-Newark faculty on November 4th in the John Cotton Dana Library for an engaging discussion two of the fastest growing interdisciplinary fields: digital humanities and data science. What are these disciplines and how can they help you in your work? This event will break these complex terms down and demonstrate their value through discussions of current projects. Learn about new research tools, teaching strategies, and ways to engage the public. Speakers will include: Krista White, Digital Humanities Librarian, “The myth of the digital native: Why digital literacy is a perfect fit for the classroom” Mary Rizzo, Associate Director of Public & Digital HumanitiesRead More →