This past week I had the opportunity to interview Cameron Blevins, a new post-doc here at Rutgers University. Where and what did you study? I’m a California product. I was first an undergraduate at Pomona College, in southern California, and then went to graduate school in the Bay Area, at Stanford. I received a PhD in U.S. History at Stanford, with a focus on the late nineteenth century and the American West. I was also a member of the Stanford digital humanities community – I was a lead researcher at the Spatial History Lab and the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis, and was oneRead More →

On October 29th, the libraries will host a reception and series of short lectures marking the official launch of an interdisciplinary Digital Humanities Lab in Alexander Library. From 4:00 – 5:00 pm, a reception and project demos will be held in the lobby of the Scholarly Communication Center and the DH Lab. Demos will highlight some the digital projects to be discussed in the latter half of the event, from 5:00 – 6:30 pm in the Teleconference Lecture Hall. Presenters will include graduate students and faculty from the departments of American Studies, Childhood Studies, Classics, English, History, Women’s and Gender Studies, as well as theRead More →

Thanks to the collaborative work of the SAS Digital Humanities Initiative and the Libraries’ DH Working Group, the DH lab in Alexander Library is open starting Summer 2015. This space is available to members of the Rutgers DH community for use in project consultations, teaching, workshops and lectures. Reserve the space at  Read More →

Join the Digital Humanities Initiative mailing list to learn about public events, conferences, courses, lectures, and workshops taking place at Rutgers and throughout the region. This is a low-volume listserv maintained in Sakai. Click here to subscribe (netID credentials required). If you are not a current member of the Rutgers community, please send a subscription request e-mail to Francesca Giannetti, Digital Humanities Librarian, at francesca.giannetti [at] More →

Taught by Daniel McGlone, GIS Analyst at Azavea Monday, December 15, 2014 3:00 – 6:00 PM Alexander Library, Room 415 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, NJ Familiar with GIS but ready to take the next step and add some more tools to your spatial toolbelt? This workshop will provide an overview of GIS and how it’s used in Digital Humanities. We’ll provide hands-on training in QGIS for some common spatial analysis techniques like: geocoding, georeferencing a historic map, querying data, spatial joins and symbology. You’ll also learn about some resources for open data with and the latest tools available. Finally, we’ll work together to createRead More →