[cross-posted with the permission of the organizers] Digital Humanities and Narratives of Science, Technology, and Medicine NeMLA 50th Anniversary Convention in Washington, DC (March 21-24, 2019) This workshop examines how the history of science, technology, and medicine are applied to the digital humanities. Since written, visual, and audio content are getting more dominant in the scholarly discourse, what type of digital resources can enrich our understanding of this field of the humanities? While it can be argued that researching for traditional academic settings and for the digital humanities requires different linguistic codes, genres, and resources, it is true that popularization of scholarly contents relies onRead More →

Digital Humanities and Data Analysis Workshops The following workshops on research methods and software will be offered by the New Brunswick Libraries Graduate Specialists in Spring 2018.  All workshops will be held on the 4th floor of Alexander Library on College Avenue.  Room assignments and workshop instructors noted below. More detailed descriptions of the workshops will be posted as they are made available at https://libguides.rutgers.edu/graduatespecialist/workshops. Workshops held in rooms 413 and 415 are capped at 20 registrants. Workshops held in the Digital Humanities lab are capped at 12 registrants. Workshops are grouped by instructor in the categories of Quantitative Methods, Digital Humanities, and Data Analytics. Please sign up for the workshops you plan to attend at theRead More →

The New Brunswick Libraries now offer consulting hours for drop-in assistance with data intensive research methods and technologies.  Consulting hours are held in the Digital Humanities Lab on the fourth floor of Alexander Library, room 406-407. We have hired three Graduate Specialists with different areas of expertise, available during the following hours: Office Hours Narae Lee (SPSS, Qualtrics, NVivo, Stata, MATLAB, surveys, sampling, statistical methods) Monday 3-5 pm Wednesday 2-4 pm Friday 11:30 am – 1:30 pm Alex Leslie (R for textual analysis, topic modeling, and geospatial analysis) Monday 1-3pm Tuesday 9-11:30am Thursday 9-11:30am Miranda So (Python, Data Cleaning and Data Analytics) Wednesday 12:30-4:30pm ThursdayRead More →

Digital Humanities Seed Grants: Call for Proposals Deadline: March 1, 2018 Award: up to $2,000 (maximum) Funding/Project Period: 2018-2019   The Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative (DHI) invites proposals for seed grants to support digital humanities projects in research, teaching, and public outreach, in any humanistic or related discipline of the university. Digital Humanities may be defined as the application or study of computing technologies to enhance our understanding of humanistic fields of inquiry. 1 This funding cycle will be for projects conducted during the subsequent 12 months (i.e. April 1, 2018 – March 30, 2019). Rutgers DHI seed grants are designed to foster collaborative projectsRead More →

Digital Humanities Showcase: Call for Proposals Submit by February 1, 2018 Showcase on March 27, 2018 The interdisciplinary field of digital humanities (DH) aims to bring together humanistic inquiry and digital technologies, organizing new modes of archival research, developing computer-aided methodologies for answering humanistic questions, curating digitized archives of all kinds, bringing digital platforms into the classroom in creative ways, and engaging critically with the culture of new media. In order to encourage collaboration and community at Rutgers, and regionally in the state New Jersey, the Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative invites contributions to a Digital Humanities Showcase, to be held at Alexander Library on Tuesday,Read More →