The Revisualization of an Icon of European Literature: Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta
H. Wayne Storey, Indiana University
September 26, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.
Teleconference Lecture Hall, Room 403
Alexander Library, 169 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ
Since Giovanni Mestica’s 1896 critical edition until today, editions of Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta have relied heavily on features of Bembo’s two Aldine editions (1501 and 1514) while claiming adherence to the manuscript whose production the poet oversaw the last seven years of his life. Yet MS Vaticano Latino 3195 represents two very difference kinds of document that require two unique orientations for its interpretation. The new “rich-text” edition I am constructing for the Petrarchive Project offers not only new readings but also new ways of visualizing and representing the diverse layers and genesis of Petrarch’s icon work. This new approach to Petrarch’s masterpiece would not be possible without its digital format and apparatus.
Note: For information on the workshop on TEI and digital editions the following day, see The Petrarchive Project: Editing and Digital Realization.
This event is supported by the departments of Italian, History, and Religion, the program in Medieval Studies, the Center for European Studies, the Libraries, and the Digital Humanities Initiative.