Greetings! We invite you to explore our list of Spring 2023 digital humanities events and workshops. Details and registration links are posted below. Alternatively, please go to dh.rutgers.edu/calendar or to libcal.rutgers.edu/calendar/nblworkshops to reserve your spot (the information is the same in both places).
Here you will also find information about the return of the Digital Humanities Showcase and the Graduate Seed Grants.
The workshops will be taught by Suny Cardenas-Gomez, Digital Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate Specialist. Additional events may be added over the course of the next month.
Build Digital Exhibitions with Omeka
- Monday, January 30, 4:00-5:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
- Thursday, February 2, 12:00-1:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
Omeka is a practical tool for describing and curating primary sources in support of research and
teaching in the humanities. This workshop will be an introduction to the basics of creating collections and exhibits with the Omeka web publishing platform.
DH Seed Grant Cultivating Workshop, AKA How to Conceptualize a Digital Humanities Project
- Wednesday, February 8, 2:30-3:30 pm, online (registration link)
Join us for this roundtable discussion on how to conceptualize and plan a digital humanities project. For graduate students planning to apply for a Digital Humanities Seed Grant, attendance at this event is strongly encouraged.
Bring Your Research to Life with Esri’s ArcGIS Storymaps
- Monday, February 20, 4:00-5:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
- Thursday, February 23, 12:00-1:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
Esri’s ArcGIS StoryMaps is a powerful digital tool that makes multimodal research with custom
maps relatively simple to create. This workshop for beginners will walk through the design of an interactive map with location points, arrows, and pop-ups.
Graduate Seed Grants
The Rutgers DHI invites proposals from graduate students in any Rutgers-New Brunswick humanities department for seed grants in support of DH projects in research and/or public outreach. Deadline to submit: March 1, 2023. CFP: https://dh.rutgers.edu/seed-grant-cfp2023/.
Digital Humanities Showcase
- Thursday, March 23, 2:00-4:00 pm, Alexander Library Teleconference
Lecture Hall (registration link)
The annual symposium of the Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative. Deadline to submit: February 1, 2023. CFP: https://dh.rutgers.edu/showcase-cfp2023/.
Centering historically under-resourced textual communities: the SCWAReD project
- Monday, March 27, 3:00-4:00 pm, hybrid, Digital Humanities Lab (room 406-407), Alexander Library (registration link)
In this talk, Dr. Isabella Magni, Lecturer in Digital Humanities at the University of Sheffield, will present the Scholar-Curated Worksets for Analysis, Reuse & Dissemination (SCWAReD) project. SCWAReD is producing a suite of curated, targeted worksets of materials from the HathiTrust Digital Library, facilitated by its Research Center (HTRC). HTRC worksets are user-created collections of HathiTrust volumes that can be treated as data and analyzed using a variety of tools and services. In addition to their intrinsic value as focused digital collections, SCWAReD’s enhanced, scholar-curated worksets also serve as illustrative, reusable research models, and include not only the worksets themselves, but also scholarly introductions, derived datasets and related documentation, and research reports.
Custom Map Building with Esri’s ArcGIS
- Monday, March 27, 4:00-5:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
- Thursday, March 30, 12:00-1:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
This workshop will expand on the Esri ArcGIS Storymaps session. Use Esri’s Interactive Map Builder to create a custom map for your project with features like data layers, live feeds, demographic information, and Smart mapping support.
Linked Data, Omeka S, and New Jersey Slavery Records
- Wednesday, March 29, 12:00-1:00 pm, online (registration link | presenter: Jesse Bayker)
Created by the Scarlet and Black Research Center, New Jersey Slavery Records is a new portal that aims to document the history of slavery in our communities through digital archival sources and linked open data. In this workshop, digital archivist Jesse Bayker will demonstrate the website as a tool for teaching and research. He will also discuss how our researchers are building the website using Omeka S, an open-source web publishing platform for digital cultural heritage collections. He will highlight key differences between Omeka S and Omeka Classic.
Wrangle Your Files with Adobe Bridge
- Monday, April 17, 4:00-5:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
- Thursday, April 20, 12:00-1:30 pm, online (registration link | instructor: Suny Cardenas-Gomez)
Free up storage space and save time with digital content manager Adobe Bridge (part of Adobe Creative Cloud). This course will cover the basics of Bridge to automate tasks like sorting, organizing, and renaming files.
Header Image: Rawpixel Ltd. Symphytum Officinale (Common Comfrey) Enlarged 8 Times from Urformen Der Kunst (1928) by Karl Blossfeldt. Original from The Rijksmuseum. Digitally Enhanced by Rawpixel. January 31, 2020. Photo. https://www.flickr.com/photos/vintage_illustration/50623076063/.