[crossposted from https://www.sas.rutgers.edu/cms/asian/events/#sym-buddhist-literacy-vietnam] Presented by Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey & The Vietnamese Nôm Preservation Foundation Friday – Saturday, September 23 & 24, 2016 Location: Alexander Library, Scholarly Communication Center Lecture Hall We are happy to announce an upcoming international and interdisciplinary symposium on Buddhist Literacy in Early Modern Northern Vietnam, to be held from 23-24 September, 2016. Catalyzed by the recent digitization of two textual collections held at the Th?ng Nghiêm and Ph? Nhân Buddhist Temples in northern Vietnam, we propose to investigate the interaction of textual practices, publishing, and the transmission of literacy in interaction with Buddhism and the Buddhist institution.Read More →

The Revisualization of an Icon of European Literature: Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta H. Wayne Storey, Indiana University September 26, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. Teleconference Lecture Hall, Room 403 Alexander Library, 169 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ Since Giovanni Mestica’s 1896 critical edition until today, editions of Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta have relied heavily on features of Bembo’s two Aldine editions (1501 and 1514) while claiming adherence to the manuscript whose production the poet oversaw the last seven years of his life. Yet MS Vaticano Latino 3195 represents two very difference kinds of document that require two unique orientations for its interpretation. The new “rich-text” editionRead More →

Are you interested in digital humanities? Did you know that the Libraries and SAS recently opened an interdisciplinary Digital Humanities Lab in Alexander Library? Come to one of two open house events to learn about the DH Lab, mingle with DH-curious colleagues, and help to shape the future of DH at Rutgers. Digital Humanities Lab Open House Events June 2nd at 10:00 am, or June 8th at 12:00 pm Digital Humanities Lab, Room 406-407 Alexander Library 169 College Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey Refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Francesca Giannetti.Read More →