Join three Rutgers-Newark faculty on November 4th in the John Cotton Dana Library for an engaging discussion two of the fastest growing interdisciplinary fields: digital humanities and data science. What are these disciplines and how can they help you in your work? This event will break these complex terms down and demonstrate their value through discussions of current projects. Learn about new research tools, teaching strategies, and ways to engage the public. Speakers will include: Krista White, Digital Humanities Librarian, “The myth of the digital native: Why digital literacy is a perfect fit for the classroom” Mary Rizzo, Associate Director of Public & Digital HumanitiesRead More →

On October 29th, the libraries will host a reception and series of short lectures marking the official launch of an interdisciplinary Digital Humanities Lab in Alexander Library. From 4:00 – 5:00 pm, a reception and project demos will be held in the lobby of the Scholarly Communication Center and the DH Lab. Demos will highlight some the digital projects to be discussed in the latter half of the event, from 5:00 – 6:30 pm in the Teleconference Lecture Hall. Presenters will include graduate students and faculty from the departments of American Studies, Childhood Studies, Classics, English, History, Women’s and Gender Studies, as well as theRead More →

January 29th, 2014, 2:00–6:30 p.m. Teleconference Lecture Hall, Alexander Library 169 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ (map) Introduction Meredith McGill New Tools, New Disciplines? (2:10–2:55 p.m.) Opening comments by Andrew Urban Social Media Adoption by Medievalists Kristen Mapes (Library and Information Science) The American Historical Review and the Digital Turn Belinda Davis (History) The Online Certificate in Women’s Global Health Nafisa Tanjeem (Women’s and Gender Studies) The American Studies Media Culture Program Christopher Rzigalinski (American Studies) New Media, New Methods (3:00–3:55 p.m.) Opening comments by Ann Fabian Citation Patterns: Charting Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go Octavio Gonzalez (English) Figures Don’t Lie: Spatial Humanities andRead More →

Ted Underwood Two Ways to Use Numbers in the Humanities An Argument with Thomas Piketty September 18, 2014 at 4:30 p.m. Murray Hall, Room 302 510 George St. New Brunswick, NJ Quantitative methods are still unusual enough in the humanities that all projects of this kind tend to be lumped together as a single odd phenomenon. But one can also see humanists’ recent experiments with numbers as expressions of two distinct impulses. On the one hand, there’s an emphasis on the value of scale as such, which could be traced back to the Annales school, or associated with Moretti’s “distant reading.” On the other hand,Read More →

Friday, March 7, 1:00–3:00 p.m. Location: Alexander Library, Room 406 (SCC Seminar Room) 169 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ (map) Coffee, Tea, and Snacks Call for Proposals The Rutgers Digital Humanities Initiative invites graduate students currently engaged in digital humanities work, or who are interested in entering this field, to participate in a hands-on workshop on how DH skills might be acquired, further honed, and deployed. Building on the DH Showcase that took place in January, this workshop is open to all students involved in graduate work, and will aim to promote DH skills that have specific application to MA and PhD students preparing toRead More →